プロローグ Prologue  屋久島Yakushima

Chapter1 発端The beginning ・Father Contalini ・Yakushima Catholic Church

Chapter2 旅立Departure ・Palermo, Sicily Island ・Vacillating of Pope Clemente 11th

Chapter3 呂宗Luzon ・Indian route with severe heat ・Manila, Oriental pearls

Chapter4 航海Voyage・To the north-northeast, beyond the waves ・Infiltrate Yakushima

Chapter5 上陸Landing ・Madonna and Child of Mt.Mimi  ・Farwell at the inlet

Chapter6 遭遇Encounter ・Toubei, farmer of Koidomari ・Looks like a foreigner

Chapter7 恋泊Koidomari ・Thes forgotten things of Kuroshio  ・Village festival

Chapter8 勾留Detention  ・Satuma’s office in Miyanoura  ・Report of the study team

Chapter9 護送Convoy ・Chinese trade port, Bonotsu ・Big convoy group

Chapter10 長崎Nagasaki  ・Shogunate territory ・Dutch conspiracy

Chapter11 通詞Interpreter ・Kampfer’s beloved disciple ・Report of Roman

Chapter12 問答Interview. ・24 questions  ・6th Shogun Tokugawa Tobei going home

Chapter13 江戸Edo  ・Westerners in a Sinner palanquin ・Christian mansion

Chapter14 獄門Prison ・Abandoned Priest  ・The things of Father Chiara

Chapter15 火児Child of fire ・Hakuseki Arai ・Edo Castle Nishinomaru

Chapter16 奇会Two genius ・Thumb Maria. ・Examination room ・Western sage

Chapter17 吟味Examination  ・The World map  ・Where is Roma?

Chapter18 紀聞Western matters  ・Seiyokobun ・Another Western

Chapter19 審判Judgment  ・Final cross-examination. ・The last judgement

Chapter20 老僕Old servant ・Companies in the Christian mansion ・Chosuke and Haru

Chapter21 最期Ending ・A cross drawn with blood ・Dungeon ・Giovanni Cypress

エピローグ Epilogue   屋久島Yakushima